Wednesday, April 1, 2009


A reader corrected my assumption that Roosevelt's and Jefferson's wives had died during their time in office (we obviously hadn't checked the dates yet!!) is what Claire says:

Three president's wives did die while their husbands were serving but neither Martha Jefferson (1748-1782) nor Alice Roosevelt (1861-1884)were among the three. They were Letitia Tyler (wife of 10th president John Tyler), Caroline Harrison (wife of 23rd president Benjamin Harrison) and Woodrow Wilson's wife, Ellen.

Regarding presidents...I see that Mrs. Obama is planting a garden at the White House for the first time since Eleanor Roosevelt's victory garden during is the story. Pretty neat.

Katie had a big filling done today and is not feeling too good. I am keeping her home until she feels better. Poor thing has teeth like me....which reminds me, I have another dental appointment on Friday.

Jesse came home with a cold and feels awful. He still has 2 night shifts to pull off....hopefully he can make it. I think those 12-hour night shifts take years off a person's life.

Thomas is watching Elmo right now and yelling "Good-bye" at him. He has been a bit naughty lately...loves to make messes with his food, etc. I am looking forward to warmer weather, he can work off some of his energy.

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