Thursday, January 8, 2009

Garrett's dental appt...

I was nervous about Garrett's appt due to the problems we had the last time. He ended up having all his work done under sedation in the hospital because of his fear this past May. He did great this time! Julia and I could hear his comments from the waiting room....he asked about everything...the tech had to explain everything to him in great detail and then he would accept it. They didn't take pix yet but said his teeth looked good. He would say "what's that?" "how does it work?" "what does that taste like?" etc. etc. He was proud of himself when he was done and loved his toothbrush, toothpaste and paper airplane he got as a prize. He said (loudly with great glee) "Mommy, I got a power rangers toothbrush!!! What's a power ranger??!"

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That sounds great. How cool that he's so curious about things, that's going to make him a very smart boy!