Tuesday, August 12, 2008

School begins...

I have a mix of students again this year. Alicia and Katie start public school tomorrow at the little Elementary school in town. Alicia is in 5th grade and Katie, 2nd. They are both extremely excited. We got to see their classrooms and meet their teachers tonight. Katie looked around at the desks with names on them to see if their were any other "Katies" in the class. She found 2 Kaitlyns and 2 Emilys but no other Katie. Her friend Maddie is also in her class. Garrett will start preschool on August 25th. He will go 3 days per week. The older students are home again this year. Colton is a junior, Carlina a freshman and Julia in 7th grade. We are going to start tomorrow too but with some interruptions, doctor, dentist appts that we didn't get done during the summer. The girls went swimming today for probably one of the last times. The pool does stay open in the evenings now until Aug 23rd.

On another note, I dropped out of the Bible study that I had signed up for at the church. I had only been one time but it was just too hard to leave in the evenings, esp with Jesse having to help Jim sometimes and Carlina not feeling good. I want to do AWANA this Fall and being out 2 nights might be too hard. I would have loved the study and fellowship but sometimes you just can't do it all.

Jesse is meeting with a home-health care provider tonight, along with his sister, to see if they can work something out for his dad. I hope he is cooperative, but he wasn't keen on anyone coming in to help.

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