Friday, April 11, 2008

Next years curriculum...

I am trying to prepare for the next school year, buying materials here and there. I plan on homeschooling everyone next year, at this point anyway. I am skipping the big convention this year in May. I did enjoy going last year (for the first time) even though I didn't get to hear any lectures, due to having Garrett and Thomas with me. The vendor arena was overwhelming! This was my third year homeschooling, although Alicia (4th) and Katie (1st) went to public school. It has been a good thing overall, with lots of ups and downs.


Glenda Christina said...

You are an amazing woman, wow. I tried to homeschool it didn't last long. LOL

Unknown said...

good luck find the curriculum. Sure does sound like a lot of work, homeschooling that is. I've thought about doing it with Sanura (not Adrian because of his disability) but I just don't think I have the patience or time right now.