Thursday, April 17, 2008

15 weeks and...

still sick, in the mornings esp. I have never been sick this long..usually at 13 weeks..zap, presto, woohoo...all previous devious symptoms gone and replaced by mirth and feelings of extreme well-being. What is the deal? Twins? The wonder does lurk in my mind...

Plus, the cravings! So intense. I wake up dying for a cheese enchilada, glass of orange juice and cheetos cheese puffs. Ok, my cravings are not the healthiest. Help me! Those garlic fried mushrooms at Woody's barbeque dance around in my dreams like little sheep jumping over a toothpick fence! Sonny's sliced beef with a tiny bit of sweet barbeque sauce, cole slaw and fries are forever on my mind. Why does nothing homemade sound good? My husband sees dollar signs in his eyes (floating away mind you) when it is meal time.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I hope you are feeling better soon. I kind of hope it's twins, don't kill me haha!